Shore Points Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the meeting held July 16, 2015 at the Brigantine Community Center The meeting commenced at 7:42 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions. Eleven voting members, one associate member and one guest were present. Club Treasurer, Bob Webb read the financial report for June. There was a complete accounting of all of the club's financial assets in the amount of $815.86. Dave Holmes motioned to accept the report, Rick Hitchen seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting, held on June 18, 2015, were read by the club secretary, David Holmes. Rick motioned to accept the minutes, Bob McFadden seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Repeater Report: Gary Paul stated that the two meter repeater was reset by Bob McFadden after the storm and that he was trouble shooting the 440 repeater and controller. Gary had paid the equipment insurance in the amount of $63.82. Dave motioned for Gary to be reimbursed from the club treasury, Rick seconded and the motion passed. Old Business: Rick says the 10 meter net is not working out extremely well and that the six hours we had for Field Day was good. Gary offered to sell his Fusion repeater to the club for $500.00. New Business: Discussion was held about the club participating in Brigantine's first Annual Night Out on Tuesday August 4th. Art Masker offered to contribute a canopy, tables and a generator and said that his mobile antenna could be used for HF. Gary offered to contact the Brigantine Police Department to secure a spot. Wayne Hackney was sponsored for membership by Bob Webb and his membership was approved. At 8:28 PM, Rick motioned to close the meeting, Dave seconded and the meeting was adjourned. After the meeting, Bob Abrams gave a demonstration of his 20 meter, two watt HT he had made from a kit. Rick showed a video he took at Field Day. A 50/50 drawing was held. The winning ticket was held by Bob Abrams and the club netted $21.00.